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Monthly Needs
- Nan Optipro formula 1 and 2
- Baby Cereal Nestum, Nestle or Purity – all stages
- Purity bottled food – all stages
- Pronutro, Future Life Toddlers, Jungle Oats and Corn flakes
- Tin tuna fish, Tin pilchards in tomato sauce
- Tined baked beans in tomato sauce
- Tinned corned beef
- Rice, Maizemeal and macaroni
- Jam
- Brown sugar, rooibos tea, tea, coffee, and long-life full cream milk
- Nappies- Cuddles, Pampers, Huggies sizes small, medium, large and x large
- Baby Wipes and bum cream
- Baby hair and body wash
- Kiddies toothpaste
- Miltons sterilising liquid, hand sanitiser and hygiene hand wash
- Washing powder, dish liquid, Domestos, Jik and Handy Andy
- Toilet paper, Air freshener and tissues
- Dischem Vouchers
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