Door of Hope is a faith-based organization:
The Baby Saver Box
In 1999 a stainless steel box was built into the wall of Berea Baptist Mission Church in the inner-city of Johannesburg. The baby box was intended as a last resort for desperate mothers to relinquish their baby safely and anonymously, instead of abandoning the child on the streets. By God’s grace, the baby box started saving children, and it continues saving children to this day.
Our Logo is a combination of three symbols, two African symbols for Hope and Love, and the creation of our own symbol for Faith, thus representing the core virtues of following Jesus.
Jesus is King.
We follow Jesus Christ, believing that His life, death and resurrection show him to be the King of all creation. And we believe that it is through faith in the King that children can be saved and find their purpose.
By God’s Grace All will be Well.
Too many babies are born without hope, people have given up on them, the world is a dark place for them, they appear to be hopeless. But God sees them, and God wants to give them a hope and a future.
Love Never Fails.
The greatest power in this world is love, because God is love. Jesus showed us this love by dying on the cross so that we may have life. We strive to love the children in our care with this same kind of sacrificial love.
Together, we can change more lives.
For many years we have obeyed Jesus, answering His call to care for thousands of orphan and vulnerable children. The challenges are massive but we are encouraged by each precious child whose life has been changed for good. With the work of our committed team, and the support of generous supporters, we hope to impact many more lives, making our world a better place.
Cheryl Allen
Founder and Patron
Cheryl Allen founded Door of Hope in 1999, coming up with the idea of the Baby Saver Box and having it installed into the Berea Baptist Mission Church wall. She is now retired, but remains a patron and advisor to the continuing work.
Vernon Mitchell
Jean Pierre Nseke-Nzenga
Kate Allen
Board Member
David John Allen
Chief Executive Officer
Ex-officio Board Member
Nadene Grabham
Operations Director
Kerryn Winckworth
Financial Director
(In alphabetical order)
Aletta Sparks
Finance/HR Administrator
Amanda Xatalaza
Social Worker
Angela Kizobo
Babycare Supervisor
Basani Maluleke
Childcare / Centre Manager
Celestine Kyangana
Home Manager
Claude Bonikay
Resources & Facility Manager
Dyna Salumu
Toddler Care Supervisor
Francinah Phago
Home Manager
Gavin Newland – Nell
Development & Facilities Manager
Hannah Thompson
Medical, Development, & Stimulation Manager
Jason Viljoen
Pastoral Care
Kathy Groome
Donor Engagement Manager
Natasha Bihlmaier
Social Worker
Shannon Matabula
Play & Learn Manager